Coherent acoustic phonons modulate optical, electronic and mechanical properties at ultrahigh frequencies and can be exploited for applications such as ultratrace chemical detection, ultrafast lasers and transducers.
We study two novel platforms in nanophononics: acousto-plasmonic structures and mesoporous resonators.
Owing to their large absorption cross-sections and high sensitivities, nanoplasmonic resonators can be used to generate coherent phonons up to terahertz frequencies, opening a new field of research: acousto-plasmonics.
Porous materials are good acoustic absorbers and widely used for acoustic isolation. In nanophononics and nanomechanics the need for atomic-flat interfaces and well defined nanometric thicknesses usually perevented the use of porous systems. The possibility of integrating mesoporous materials in ultra-high frequency nanomechanical systems remained an unexplored subject, regardless of its huge potential.
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