Welcome to the

The website of Dr. Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura’s team.
In classical mechanics, a phonon designates a normal mode of vibration. A phonon is the quantum mechanical description of an elementary vibrational motion in which a lattice of atoms or molecules uniformly oscillates at a single frequency. Every physical property of a solid-state system that is determined by the position of the atoms is strongly affected by acoustic phonons.
In our team we focus on nanophononics: we generate, manipulate, and detect acoustic phonons at the nanoscale, and control how they interact with other excitations. Unlike audible sound, there are no readily available sources and detectors of acoustic phonons, therefore our experiments rely on optical techniques.

If you want to know more about how we control these atomic vibrations, and how light can be used to study them, navigate through our website!
Nanophononics papers
Our paper on the perspectives of nanophononics, nanoacoustics and nanomechanics is online! It was selected to the APL categories Featured, Scilight and issue’s cover.
Our paper on micropillars with elliptical cross-sections as an optimal platform for both coherent acoustic phonons generation and detection is online!
Our paper on the generation and detection of acoustic phonons in TiO2 mesoporous thin films is online!
Next conferences
We are updating it, so come back soon for more news !
Our latest news
Stay updated and see our latest news.
- HARVESTING COHERENT HYPERSOUND WITH ELLIPTICAL MICROPILLARSScientists have harnessed elliptical micropillars to enhance the generation and detection of coherent acoustic phonons in the gigahertz range. This
- SPIE Photonics Europe 2024The Nanophonics group went to Strasbourg from the 7th to the 11th April for the 2024 edition of the SPIE
- TOPOLOGICAL HARMONICS OF HYPERSOUND: BREAKTHROUGH IN TOPOLOGICAL INTERFACE STATES OF ACOUSTIC WAVES AT THE NANOSCALEAt the intersection between nanophononics and topology, groundbreaking technological advancements are on the horizon. Physicists develop strategies to confine ultra-high